Gov. Cuomo’s Aide Says He Tried To Cover Up Sexual Harassment With One Of Her Colleagues

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One of Governor Cuomo’s aides has come forward and accused him of sexual harassment and he allegedly tried to cover up a similar incident involving a former colleague of hers.

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The accusation was made by Alyssa McGrath,33 after she disclosed to the New York Times that her colleague was groped by Gov. Cuomo inside the Executive Mansion. She says he grabbed the unidentified woman’s breast under her shirt and asked the woman not to talk about the incident with McGrath since he knew they have a close friendship.

According to the New York Post, McGrath said she had her own creepy experience with Cuomo after he looked down her blouse and said she was beautiful in Italian. He also asked about the status of her divorce when he noticed her wedding ring was missing.

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Although he didn’t physically touch her, McGrath says his actions were consistent with sexual harassment and he has a way of making others feel comfortable around him before presenting the creepy behavior.

“He has a way of making you feel very comfortable around him, almost like you’re his friend,” McGrath. But then you walk away from the encounter or conversation, in your head going, ‘I can’t believe I just had that interaction with the governor of New York.’”

Cuomo’s lawyer says he has denied all allegations and said he uses similar gestures with everyone.

“None of this is remarkable, although it may be old-fashioned. He has made clear that he has never made inappropriate advances or inappropriately touched anyone.”



Deja Monet: Born and raised in the Bronx. I write stories that will make you laugh, cry, or mad.