Georgia Inmate Who Launched His Own Clothing Line Charged With “Attempt To Aid In Escape” After Viral Video

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An Atlanta inmate who went viral after launching his own fashion line and premiered a fashion show was charged and placed in solitary confinement for “attempt to aid in escape.”

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The news was confirmed on Rashod Stanley’s Instagram page by his mother Runita Elba. Elba says Stanley was transferred out of Calhoun State Prison and placed in solitary confinement at Macon State Prison for the fashion show clip that went viral on social media. Additionally, Stanley already faced disciplinary action last year after one of his other fashion show videos was posted online.

“These same clothing was posted in another video 3/19/20 which he had already been disciplined for. He did 30 days in solitary confinement for it. He is currently being charged with “attempt to aid in escape” for making clothes for others and “altering state property”. It is assumed inmates could’ve walked away unnoticed in those outfits. Tier 2 is a 9 month solitary confinement program for offenders who commit or lead others to commit violent disruptive predatory or riotous actions or who otherwise pose a serious threat to the safety and security of institutional operations. Not only does he not meet the criteria, this is excessive punishment and in violation of his constitutional rights. It’s also double jeopardysince he’s previously being disciplined for it.”

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Elba added that her son will be in solitary confinement for the next nine months and she launched a GoFundMe to help with attorney fees and other expenses.

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SOURCE: The Neighborhood Talk

Deja Monet: Born and raised in the Bronx. I write stories that will make you laugh, cry, or mad.