From Incarceration to Advocacy: Exonerated Man Donte West Reacts To Kamala Harris’ Marijuana Proposal: “I Do Believe She Will Stand On What She Says”

From Incarceration to Advocacy: Exonerated Man Donte West Reacts To Kamala Harris' Marijuana Proposal: “I Do Believe She Will Stand On What She Says”

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Vice President Kamala Harris recently unveiled her “Opportunity Agenda for Black men,” which aims to address the systemic inequalities faced by Black communities. Her initiative includes a promise of 1 million “fully forgivable” loans for Black business owners and updated federal regulations for cryptocurrency to protect investors. Among her proposals, the legalization of marijuana for recreational use stands out as a pivotal step toward social justice, ensuring Black entrepreneurs have equitable access to the burgeoning cannabis industry.

Donte West , a man who personally understands the struggles of being incarcerated for a first-time drug offense, shared his perspective on Harris’s proposals. Exonerated in 2021 after serving three years for a marijuana charge, West believes in the transformative power of such policies, despite historical misconceptions about Harris’s prosecutorial record. In a recent statement, he expressed support for her mission, clarifying his stance on her past: “NO” he insists when asked if she disproportionately jailed low-level cannabis offenders. He noted that data reveals only a handful were sent to prison under her tenure. West maintains, “I do believe she will stand on what she says in regards to legalizing cannabis it’s a no brainer issue. However, he adds, “I just hope she can encourage Governors from all parties to use executive clemency to release cannabis prison across America. Seems we have made progress on the federal level thus far.”

This conversation is not only timely but essential, as the landscape of marijuana policy continues to evolve in the United States. California led the charge in 1996 by establishing a medical marijuana program and later legalized recreational use in 2016 through Proposition 64, reflecting a growing recognition of the need for reform. Harris’s commitment to decriminalizing marijuana resonates deeply with West, who emphasizes, “This is a common sense issue; non-violent persons should not be in prison for cannabis especially if the state is operating a legal cannabis industry in their state.”

As part of his advocaccyy, West is dedicated to helping others like himself. He expresses a vision for the future should Harris be elected. And if ever tapped to join Harris’ team, he said, “I would implement a federal task force strictly on finding cannabis cases on federal/state and commute their sentence from prison.” He highlights the urgency of addressing cases like that of Kevin Allen, who serves a life sentence in Louisiana for a meager 2 grams of cannabis without any history of violence.

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Numerous states have embraced marijuana legalization, further clearing the path to social equity and justice. Tax revenue from legalization can significantly bolster funding for education, healthcare, and infrastructure, while also offering a stable regulatory framework that fosters business investment in the cannabis sector. This shift not only promotes financial growth but also seeks to bridge the racial disparities that have long plagued drug-related arrests and convictions.

As Harris takes concrete steps toward these reforms, Donte West continues his mission of advocacy. The Stockton, California native has already helped several individuals secure early releases while balancing his studies at Rutgers Law School, focusing on cannabis law and business. His journey from incarceration to activism has earned him recognition, even leading to a day in his honor.

Now living in Kansas City, Missouri, West continues his important work, driven by the belief that “The greatest gift you can give anyone is freedom.”


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