Dr. Fauci Says Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Recent Comments About Him Is The Reason He Gets Death Threats

Dr. Anthony Fauci recently spoke out about his viral altercation with Marjorie Taylor Greene and said that her comments about

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Dr. Anthony Fauci recently spoke out about his viral altercation with Marjorie Taylor Greene and said that her comments about him is the reason he receives death threats. 

As we previously shared, Fauci and Green got into it yesterday at a hearing of the House Oversight Committee on Monday in which he gave a response to the role he played in the COVID-19 pandemic. In a tense exchange, Greene confronted Fauci during the hearing, questioning his credentials as a doctor and accusing him of committing crimes against humanity, asserting that he should be in prison. After the hearing, Fauci criticized Greene on CNN for her remarks about the Covid-19 pandemic, denouncing her behavior as “unusual” and suggesting that her actions is what causes death threats against him.

RELATED: Marjorie Taylor Greene Refuses To Call Fauci A Doctor And Says His License Should Be ‘Revoked And He Belongs In Jail’

“Whenever somebody gets up, whether it’s the news media you know, Fox News does it a lot or it’s somebody in the Congress who gets up and makes a public statement that I’m responsible for the deaths of x number of people because of policies or some crazy idea that I created the virus — immediately — you could like clockwork, the death threats, go way up,” Fauci said during an appearance on CNN. “So that’s the reason why I’m still getting death threats when you have performances like that unusual performance by Marjorie Taylor Greene.”

He further condemned the hearing that took place on Monday for the high level of hostility and animosity that was displayed on the floor of Congress.

I have testified literally hundreds of times over the last 40 years, over Congress and there’s always been differences of opinion, differences of ideology and things like that,” he said. “But the level of vitriol that we see now just in the country in general — but actually played out during this hearing was really quite unfortunate.

RELATED: BREAKING: Dr. Anthony Fauci To Step Down As White House Chief Medical Advisor In December

“Because the purpose of hearings are to try and figure out how we can do better so that next time if and when we all faced with a pandemic we’d be better prepared and we could benefit if mistakes were made; we identify them and we try to correct them for the future,” he added.

Jamal Osborne: Born and raised in Richmond, VA. My stories will have you caught up on the latest news to push the culture forward.