Dr. Fauci Says A Black Woman Helped Develop COVID-19 Vaccine

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Dr. Fauci reported that a Black woman was involved in the development of the COVID-19 vaccine.

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Dr. Fauci made the announcement on Tuesday during an event held by the National Urban League. The infectious disease expert said Dr. Kizzmekia Corbett was among the many Black scientists who helped develop the COVID-19 vaccine and also addressed how only fourteen percent of African-Americans trust the vaccines while eighteen percent will only take it if it is proven to be effective.

“So, the first thing you might want to say to my African-American brothers and sisters is that the vaccine that you’re going to be taking was developed by an African-American woman. And, that is just a fact.”

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Corbett is the lead scientist at Dr. Fauci’s National Insititute of Health and was a part of the team who helped Moderna to develop the vaccine that is expected to be approved by the FDA. The vaccine is expected to receive emergency use authorization so it could be distributed by the end of this month.

Dr. Fauci also added that he is confident in the vaccine and has no issues with taking it when it is available.

“I, myself, will be perfectly comfortable with taking the vaccine and I will recommend it for my family.”



Deja Monet: Born and raised in the Bronx. I write stories that will make you laugh, cry, or mad.