Donald Trump’s Walk Of Fame Star Spray Painted Black With ‘Black Lives Matter’

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Donald Trump’s Walk Of Fame Star Spray Painted Black With ‘Black Lives Matter’

Donald Trump‘s Hollywood Walk of Fame star has been attacked yet again. This time, demonstrators spray painted it black and added the Black Lives Matter tag all around it. Oh, and for fun, someone left a green bag of canine feces, allegedly, right in the black star’s center.

Leading up to the defacing, on Sunday (June 7), thousands of protestors flocked to Hollywood to march down the infamous Hollywood Boulevard, calling for the end to police brutality and the beginning of reform. The global marches were a direct result of the most-recent and unjust murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery, among many others.

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While the artists behind the blacked out star are unnamed, many protestors took notice and began sharing photos of the masterpiece. It’s to be noted that Trump’s star has been defaced at least three other times — and each time, city officials restore it. Officials also threaten that if ever a suspect is caught, they will face consequences; such as restitution, probation, and/or community service.

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