Donald Trump Moving Forward With New Political Party, Creates List Of Republican Enemies

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Former President Donald Trump has drafted out a list of Republican enemies to challenge for the primaries and is continuing on to create the ‘Patriot Party.’

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Trump created the list to intimidate Republicans who opposed him during his presidency and agreed to have him convicted for inciting the riots on Jan.6. As reported by the Daily Mail, Trump believes the threat will give him enough leverage to prevent Republican senators from voting for his conviction during the impeachment trial next month.

The list of Trump’s “enemies” include Rep. Liz Cheney, Rep. Tom Rice, Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, and  Senator Lisa Murkowski. Trump also has $70 million in campaign funds to help him prepare for the primaries in 2022.

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If the former president is convicted of inciting the riot at the Capitol, he will no longer be able to run for president again and it will allow Republicans to push other candidates for the 2024 election. The conviction also lies in the hands of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell since his decision will most likely cause a divide in both parties.

Since the riots, McConnell has denounced Trump’s behavior and says he was the primary cause for the insurrection.

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