Donald Trump Demands China To Pay Ten Trillion Dollars For Its Role In The Coronavirus Pandemic

ORLANDO, FLORIDA - FEBRUARY 28: Former U.S. President Donald Trump addresses the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) held in the Hyatt Regency on February 28, 2021 in Orlando, Florida. Begun in 1974, CPAC brings together conservative organizations, activists, and world leaders to discuss issues important to them. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

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Donald Trump Demands China To Pay Ten Trillion Dollars For Its Role In The Coronavirus Pandemic

Socialites, check this out: Ex President Donald Trump is demanding that China pays ten trillion dollars for its role in the coronavirus pandemic.

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This comes following the release of Dr. Fauci’s emails. Trump claimed that it showed he had been right all along about deadly coronavirus leaking from Wuhan laboratory. In a statement, Trump also claimed that he actually saved hundreds of thousands of lives by resisting Fauci’s guidance on everything from closing borders, developing vaccines and wearing masks during the pandemic: “The correspondence between Dr. Fauci and China speaks too loudly for anyone to ignore. China should pay ten trillion Dollars to America, and the world, for the death and destruction they have caused.”

He added, “After seeing the emails, our Country is fortunate I didn’t do what Dr. Fauci wanted me to do. For instance, I closed our Borders to China very early despite his not wanting them closed. The Democrats and the Fake News Media even called me a ‘xenophobe,'” Trump said in a statement that was sent out via email Thursday. “In the end, we saw this was a life-saving decision, and likewise with closing our borders to Europe, specifically to certain heavily infected countries. I was later given credit, even by ‘Tony,’ for saving hundreds of thousands of lives. Dr. Fauci also didn’t put an emphasis on speed of vaccine production because he thought it would take 3, 4, or maybe even 5 years to create. I got it done in less than 9 months with Operation Warp Speed.”

He went on to take more credit for the vaccine’s development and its success. He wrote that without his decisions while in office, “[n]o one would’ve had the shot that has now saved the world and millions of lives!”

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