Derek Chauvin’s Lawyer Asks For New Trial Due To Juror Misconduct

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Derek Chauvin’s attorney has filed a motion for a new trial after claiming a juror lied about participating in a BLM protest based on their photo.

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After filing the motion in Hennepin County District Court early Tuesday, Eric Nelson claimed there was an “abuse of discretion” of a fair trial for his client, Derek Chauvin. Nelson also argued that the publicity of the case allowed prejudice among jurors based on the defense’s witnesses and other factors. One of the factors included the alleged misconduct of juror Brandon Mitchell who was pictured participating at the March on Washington in August and said the court failed to properly screen its jurors throughout the trial.

‘Such publicity included post-testimony, but pre-deliberation, intimidation of the defense’s expert witnesses, from which the jury was not insulated. Not only did such acts escalate the potential for prejudice in these proceedings, but they may also result in a far-reaching chilling effect on the defendant’s ability to procure expert witnesses – especially in high-profile cases, such as those of Mr. Chauvin’s codefendants-testify on their behalf.’

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However, Mitchell argued that the March on Washington is not a protest against police brutality or honoring the life of George Floyd, the event commemorates Dr. Martin Luther King’s 1963 ‘I Have A Dream’ speech. In the photo, Mitchell is wearing a black T-shirt with a picture of Dr. King with the quotes, “GET YOUR KNEE OFF OF OUR NECKS,” and “BLM.” Mitchell said he also filled out “No” on a questionnaire asking if he attended any protests relating to the case.

SOURCE: Daily Mail 





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