Dallas Cops Laugh After Disabled Veteran Peed Himself Because He Was Refused To Use The Restaurant Bathroom

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Dallas cops were caught on video laughing after a disabled military veteran was denied access to a restroom and urinated on himself. The veteran, Dynell Lane, who was wounded while serving his country, says that off-duty police officers working security at a restaurant refused to review his medical paperwork, leaving him in a desperate situation. Despite calling 911 for help, Lane did not receive timely assistance, forcing him to endure the humiliation of soiling himself. The officers’ callous actions have raised serious questions about their lack of empathy and the need for better training in handling situations involving individuals with disabilities.

The incident has sparked an investigation by the police oversight office in Dallas, which is looking into the conduct of the four officers involved. The oversight board members have expressed their concerns over why the officers did not take the incident seriously and failed to investigate the matter. Lane told the oversight board in a statement, “The Dallas Police Department failed me. “Two Dallas police officers discriminated against me and declined to assist me in bridging the gap between myself and the Serious Pizza manager.

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“I had higher expectations from the city. Please hear me when I ask all to make change so no one with a disability will endure what I had to endure.” Additionally, there are questions about whether the officers should have reviewed Lane’s medical paperwork, which could have prevented this distressing situation. The video footage of the officers laughing after Lane’s unfortunate accident has further fueled public outcry and demands for accountability.

Lane’s desperate plea for help highlights the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities in accessing basic facilities. He called 911, and although two on-duty officers eventually arrived, it was too late. Lane had already experienced an embarrassing urine and bowel leak issue and had left the restaurant.

This incident not only exposes the insensitivity of the off-duty officers but also sheds light on the need for businesses to be more inclusive and considerate towards patrons with disabilities. The restaurant in question claims that it was unaware of the severity of the situation until the footage was released and has requested that the two off-duty officers no longer be assigned to their establishment.

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The mistreatment of Lane by the Dallas police officers is a clear violation of his rights as a disabled individual. It is disheartening to witness such behavior from those entrusted with protecting and serving the community. The bodycam footage showing the officers mocking and laughing at Lane’s distressing situation is deeply troubling and emphasizes the urgent need for change within law enforcement agencies. The Dallas Police Department has come under scrutiny for failing to support Lane and for not taking immediate action to address the incident.

This incident has brought attention to the larger issue of how individuals with disabilities are treated in our society. Lane’s call for change resonates with many others who have faced similar mistreatment. It is imperative that steps are taken to ensure that individuals with disabilities are afforded equal rights and access to essential facilities. An internal affairs administrative investigation is currently underway to hold those responsible accountable for their actions.

6 thoughts on “Dallas Cops Laugh After Disabled Veteran Peed Himself Because He Was Refused To Use The Restaurant Bathroom”

  1. They should be fired and sued. I had An employee of GE Laugh at me when I told her that because I am Laugh at me when I told her that because I am handicapped I am unable to take three weeks worth of laundry to the laundromat because their technician failed to properly repair my washer. I have her name and there will be consequences.

  2. As a disabled person, I am constantly made to feel like I am completely disposable… Like I am too much trouble to keep around, or even be let out in public. I’ve actually had someone say that I shouldn’t think people should give way to me just because I’m disabled. That I’m no better than anyone else. I don’t think I’m better, but I would like to be just as good. It’s very depressing.

  3. Disgusting actions from those who we call “civil servants”??? We must demand they be reprimanded, disciplined and required sensitivity training and then released from duty. Nothing less will be satisfactory! Intolerable behavior!
    Personally, a good old fashioned ass beating wouldn’t be out of question either! Worse than small children!

    • These officers should be fired. To do this to one the people who has defended our country through their military service is totally unconscionable. They display no empathy at all. They do not deserve the title of “Dallas policeman.” We deserve better than this of our public servants. Get rid of trash like this. They have no place on the police staff. Scum! I wish someone would withhold bathroom facilities from them and let them experience this same thing and then experience people laugh at them!

  4. What kind of assistance was he asking for?
    The article does not address that.
    While laughing at this man was certainly unacceptable, it’s not possible to make any decision without this piece of information.

    • Probably asking them to help him with the manager of the establishment in letting him use the facilities. That is the only thing that makes sense.


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