CNN Panelists Drag Vivek Ramaswamy’s RNC Speech, Van Jones Condemns His PSA To Black Americans: ‘I Don’t Like The Patronizing Stuff To Black Folks’

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After offering a PSA to Black Americans while speaking at the 2024 RNC, former presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy got dragged by CNN’s Van Jones.

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On the second night of the 2024 Republican National Convention (RNC), Vivek Ramaswamy took to the stage and not only listed off numerous reasons to vote for Donald Trump, but he also issued a few PSAs to Black Americans, illegal immigrants, millennials, and more.

While taking to the 2024 RNC stage on Tuesday (July 16), Vivek Ramaswamy got the RNC crowd excited as he ran down a list of reasons why he believes voters should vote for Donald Trump. He said, “If you want to seal the border, vote Trump! If you want to restore law and order, vote Trump! If you want to reignite the economy in this country, vote Trump! If you want to revive national pride in this country, vote Trump! If you want to Make America Great Again, vote Trump!”

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Ramaswamy then poised another point and said, “There’s one more reason, the most important one — Donald Trump is the president who will actually unite this country, not through empty words, but through action.” After running off all the reasons to vote for Donald Trump, Vivek Ramaswamy also said he wanted to share a few messages from the Republican party that the media doesn’t want everyone to know.

He said, “Our message to Black Americans is this: The media has tried to convince you for decades that Republicans don’t care about your communities, but we do. We want for you what we want for every American: safe neighborhoods, clean streets, good jobs, a better life for your children, and a justice system that treats everyone equally – regardless of your skin color or your political beliefs.”

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To illegal immigrants, Vivek Ramaswamy said, “Our message to every legal immigrant is this: You’re like my parents. You deserve the opportunity to secure a better life for your children in America. But our message to illegal immigrants is also this: We will return you to your country of origin, not because you’re all bad people, but because you broke the law, and the United States of America was founded on the rule of law.”

Following Vivek Ramaswamy’s speech at the 2024 RNC, CNN panelists reacted, including Van Jones, who condemned Ramaswamy for “patronizing.” Jones, who called Ramaswamy a “demagogue,” added, “I don’t like the patronizing stuff about Black folks.”

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Jones continued, “They’re trying hard to reach Black folks and I just think they don’t understand. We didn’t miss the fact that the Republican Party — the party of Lincoln, a party that started as a radical, anti-slavery party — became a safe haven for some white nationalists that have not been aggressively shown the door yet. We didn’t miss that. African Americans are one of the most politically-sophisticated and engaged populations in the country. People act like we’re dumb, like we somehow missed that there are people in the Republican Party who’ve been unfriendly, you just lose the people in the audience at the door with that.”

Van Jones also said that Vivek Ramaswamy “sounds like he’s reading stuff out of the Cracker-Jack Box, that he thinks somebody’s going to like, but there’s no prize at the bottom. Because it’s all shallow and soulless to me, but that’s just my opinion.”

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2 thoughts on “CNN Panelists Drag Vivek Ramaswamy’s RNC Speech, Van Jones Condemns His PSA To Black Americans: ‘I Don’t Like The Patronizing Stuff To Black Folks’”

  1. I live in Milwaukee WI and our mayor is still catching heat for inviting the GOP here because the city of Milwaukee is 80% black and democratic and will always stay that way there is nothing the GOP has to offer us but to hurry up and leave our city with that BS this is Biden/Harris country Trump will not win WI period the Dems run this town I know i’m 57 yrs old and was born here this my city we wear Jordans not fake getting shot shoes they are clowns and will always be treated as such so hurry up and leave you are not welcome here

  2. And let’s be clear vivek, MTG, jordan, tim scott, donalds, hunt, comer, luna, Vance, Gaetz, and the rest had to be approved by us before they could disgrace our city our Gov Evers is loved this will never again be a GOP state ever !!


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