Carl Crawford is facing a $1 million civil suit filed by the parents of the boy who drowned in his pool during a BBQ last month.
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All Hip Hop News reports the parents of five-year-old Kasen Hersi has filed a civil suit against the former MLB player after their son drowned in Crawford’s pool. On May 16th, Hersi was wandered off during an album release party for an artist from Crawford’s 1501 Certified Label and fell into the pool. His mother’s friend, Bethany Lartigue, jumped into the zero-depth entry pool to rescue him but she tragically lost her life during the rescue.
The lawsuit filed by Liban Hersi and Jazmine Hernandez states their son’s death has caused mental anguish and Crawford should be held responsible for failing to maintain a safe environment and supervision for all guests during the party.
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Additionally, the suit states that Hernandez has “lost her son’s love, affection, solace, advice, counsel, and comfort. In addition, she suffered a loss of emotional support and experienced tremendous mental anguish, fear, grief, and sorrow and this is likely to continue for the rest of her life,”
A statement from Crawford in regards to the lawsuit has yet to be released.