Canada Announces Immediate Ban On 1,500 Assault Weapons After Nova Scotia Rampage

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Canada Announces Immediate Ban On 1,500 Assault Weapons After Nova Scotia Rampage

After its worst ever mass murder/rampage last month in Nova Scotia, Canada has announced an immediate ban on over 1,500 types of “military-grade” assault weapons.

The legislation arrives less than two weeks after the nation’s deadliest massacre that killed 22 people in a 12-hour rampage between April 18 and 19.

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Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stated, “You don’t need an AR-15 to bring down a deer. So, effective immediately, it is no longer permitted to buy, sell, transport, import or use military-grade assault weapons in this country. These weapons were designed for one purpose, and one purpose only, to kill the largest number of people in the shortest amount of time. There is no use and no place for such weapons in Canada.”

While the ban is effective immediately, the disposal of weapons are subject to a two-year amnesty period. In addition, Trudeau said that officials are working on creating a form of compensation for the now-banned firearms still in residents’ possession.

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Following the Nova Scotia shooting, Trudeau tweeted, “Our hearts go out to everyone affected by the shooting in Nova Scotia. To the Portapique community, we’re keeping all of you in our thoughts. And on behalf of all Canadians, I want you to know that we’re here for you – and we’ll be here for you in the days and weeks ahead.”


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