California Dad Murders Toddler & Infant With Spear Gun Over Fears They Had “Serpent DNA”

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California Dad Murders Toddler & Infant With Spear Gun Over Fears They Had “Serpent DNA”

A deranged California dad who was “QANON-obsessed” admitted to killing his two young children with a spear gun because they were “serpent monsters.”

Matthew Coleman, 40,  owns a surfing school in California and took his young children to Mexico where he murdered them for having serpent DNA. He told the FBI that he shot his ten-month-old infant and two-year-old toddler in the chest. However, after they did not die he stabbed them 12 times.

Coleman told cops that “he believed his children were going to grow into monsters so he had to kill them.”

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He also told the FBI that “he was enlightened by QAnon and Illuminati conspiracy theories and was receiving visions and signs revealing that his wife, A.C., possessed serpent DNA and passed it on to his children.”

Coleman’s wife reports that he had left with the kids and not told her where they were going. He stopped responding t texts, but she did not think that they were in any danger, as “they did not have any sort of argument.” A missing person’s report was filed on Sunday and the “Find my iPhone” app was used to locate him and it pinged to Rosarito, Mexico, where the kids’ bodies were later discovered.

He told authorities hid did it because he had to save the world.

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