Texas Bus Driver Almost Runs Over Children As Parents Are Left In Shock

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A bus driver in Denton, Texas nearly hit three children who were attempting to cross the street earlier this week. The bizarre moment, captured on video, shows the driver step speeding up right as the children are crossing in front of the vehicle to get to their parents, who watched on in shock. As a result, the school district has immediately taken action, removing the driver from duty and placing them on administrative leave pending an investigation, according to the New York Post.

One concerned father, Matt McCormick, has been vocal about the incident, calling for accountability and demanding that the driver be fired. “I wasn’t even 20 yards away from him, and I would not have been able to help him,” he told FOX4. “Didn’t even give time for anybody to be across the street. Nothing. Just bye.” Mccormick went on to say, “Once I knew he was okay, I was more really, really upset than anything else that someone could let that happen.”

His son, Dash, was one of the children who had narrowly escaped being hit by the bus, so his fury in regard to what occurred at the bus stop is understandable. The incident has deeply affected the father, who was left fearing the worst-case scenario and believes that bus monitors should be added to all routes to prevent such incidents from happening again. “Thankfully, nothing happened to him, nothing happened to the other children, everybody’s completely fine other than emotional stressors.”

The video of the incident has sparked outrage and concern among parents and community members alike. It serves as a stark reminder of the importance of vigilance and caution when it comes to the safety of children. The fact that the driver failed to stop or even check if the children were okay is alarming and raises questions about their suitability for the role.

The school district’s decision to place the driver on administrative leave is an appropriate course of action while an investigation takes place. It demonstrates a commitment to thoroughness and fairness in dealing with such incidents. The safety of students should always be the top priority, and any breach of this responsibility should be met with swift and decisive action.

While it is essential to await the outcome of the investigation before jumping to conclusions, this incident serves as a wake-up call for school districts across Texas and beyond. It highlights the need for stringent protocols and measures to ensure the safety of students during their daily commute. Bus drivers play a crucial role in this process, and it is imperative that they are properly trained, monitored, and held accountable for their actions.

As parents, we trust that our children will be safe when they board a school bus. It is a responsibility that should never be taken lightly. The incident in Denton serves as a reminder that constant vigilance is necessary to protect our children from potential harm. It is only through a collective effort involving parents, school districts, and communities that we can ensure their safety and well-being.

In conclusion, the near-miss incident involving a bus driver and three children in Denton, Texas has raised important questions about student safety during their commute. The swift response by the school district in placing the driver on administrative leave demonstrates their commitment to ensuring accountability and protecting their students. It is hoped that this incident will serve as a catalyst for change in how student transportation is handled, with stricter protocols and measures put in place to prevent such incidents from happening in the future.

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