Breonna Taylor’s Boyfriend Kenneth Walker Is ‘A Million Percent Sure’ Police Never Identified Themselves

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Breonna Taylor’s Boyfriend Kenneth Walker Is ‘A Million Percent Sure’ Police Never Identified Themselves

Breonna Taylor‘s boyfriend Kenneth Walker tells Gayle King in a new interview that he’s “a million percent sure” that police never identified themselves on the fateful evening Taylor was murdered.

In his exclusive ‘CBS This Morning‘ sit-down, Walker tells King about the knock on the door to the endless bullets shot through his and Taylor’s home, plus his arrest. While police claimed in trial that they identified themselves on March 13, Walker remains adamant that they never did. He says he and Taylor asked “several times” who was on the other side of their apartment door when police banged on it. He adds, “there was no response. So the next thing I know, the door is flying open.”

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Walker recalls the night for King, stating, “It was dead silent in the house. And it was 12:00, 1:00 at night, or whatever time. So it was — it’s always quiet. We live in a quiet place. So if somebody was on the other side of the door saying anything, we would hear them.” Walker continues, claiming, “I’m a million percent sure that nobody identified themselves. That’s why I grabbed the gun. Didn’t have a clue. I mean, if it was the police at the door, and they just said, ‘We’re the police,’ me or Breonna didn’t have a reason at all not to open the door to see what they wanted.” Walker concludes, “That’s why I never thought it was the police. Because why would the police be coming here?”

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