Body Of DMV Rapper Goonew Propped Onstage For Last Dance Party Funeral At Bliss Nightclub

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Body Of DMV Rapper Goonew Propped Onstage For Last Dance Party Funeral At Bliss Nightclub

Several video clips are going viral showing the body of DMV rapper Goonew propped up onstage at Bliss Nightclub in  Washington, D.C. Apparently, the rapper’s family and friends gave him a funeral in the guise of a last dance party.

On March 18, the rapper was shot and killed at 24 years old. Weeks later, his deceased body was standing upright at a club farewell event, titled “The Last Show.” While it stood as a celebration of life, the event caused hysteria online, leaving social media in awe, questioning if it was the rapper’s actual body or a wax creation.

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In the viral clips, Goonew is seen wearing an Amiri hoodie, sneakers and jeans, with a crown on his head. The clips garnered attention from all of social media — including the King of trolling, 50 Cent. Responding to one clip on Twitter, Fif said, “😳oh shit ! i just realized what this is. 🤦‍♂️” Meanwhile, other people have spoken out on how this process is normal in some cultures. Previously, Hollywood Unlocked has reported on a similar celebration of life back in 2020.

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