At Least Eight Killed In Mass Shooting At San Jose Rail Yard Union Meeting

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At Least Eight Killed In Mass Shooting At San Jose Rail Yard Union Meeting

Multiple people have been killed gunman opened fire at a union meeting at a San Jose rail yard.

The Los Angeles Times reports that the suspect was a 50-year-old male. He is reported to have opened fire on a meeting at the VTA Light Rail Facility. Officials report that the gunman is also dead.

“We are in close contact with local law enforcement and monitoring this situation closely,” said Governor Gavin Newsom.

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Russell Davis, the public information officer for the Santa Clara Sheriff’s Office revealed that multiple people were dead. As of now, the motive is believed to be related to a workplace issue.

“I can confirm with you right now that we do have multiple victims, and we have multiple casualties at this point,” Davis said. “I can’t confirm the exact number of injuries and fatalities, but I will tell you that there are multiple injuries and multiple fatalities in this case.”

According to reports, the gunman had multiple weapons and stacks of ammunition at his home. He reportedly burned his home down prior to the shooting.

San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo released a statement,

“Our heart pains for the families and the co-workers, because we know that so many are feeling deeply this loss of their loved ones and their friends,” he said. “Now is a moment for us to collect ourselves, to understand what happened, to mourn, and to help those who have suffered to heal.”


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