Asian Couple In Seattle Targeted In Xenophobic Attack Over Coronavirus

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Asian Couple In Seattle Targeted In Xenophobic Attack Over Coronavirus

In Seattle, an Asian man and his partner were targeted in a xenophobic attack over the coronavirus. In footage obtained, the man was slapped by the suspect, who proceed to shove and spit on him, blaming him for the start of the COVID-19 crisis.

Seattle Police Department officials say the suspect has been involved in other reports filed across the city, where he’s threatened other Asian residents. In this newest report, the man allegedly yelled to the couple “it’s all your fault.”

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In another attack, police say the suspect approached an Asian woman in her car and asked her to roll down the window, questioning, “Where are you from? Where is your ID?”Police add that he also took a picture of the victim’s car and shouted out, “Chinese disease … they bring it here!”

The Seattle PD also took to their Twitter, to update, “Detectives now have an image of person of interest in one of the reported cases yesterday. If you know this person or have additional information, please call the tip line.”

RELATED: Donald Trump Calls For People To Protect “Our Asian Community” Amid The Coronavirus Pandemic

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