Arkansas Woman Fired From Taco Bell Because Of Her Past In Porn

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Arkansas Woman Fired From Taco Bell Because Of Her Past In Porn

Lonna Wells, a 33-year-old Arkansas woman, claims she was fired from her local Newport Taco Bell over her past work in internet porn. Since the COVID-19 pandemic affected her income to support her family, Wells, who had a career in amateur porn, had to pivot and traded in the adult entertainment industry for the fast food industry.

However, after a “God-fearing Christian” customer recognized her and “didn’t feel comfortable giving the establishment their business,”  Wells ended up receiving a phone call from management. One day as she was in the bathroom getting ready for work, she learned she’d been fired over customer complaints about her porn-related past. The crazy part is Wells says she told her manager during the interview process of her sex work past, and was told “it wouldn’t pose a problem.”

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Although Arkansas  is an “at-will employment” state, Wells tells The Daily Beast“They couldn’t have even given me a heads up, or waited until I got there to say something. I just started bawling. I don’t know if it was because I was upset, or I was ticked, or a little bit of both.” Recalling her work ethic, Wells says, “I went in when I didn’t even have to go in, and I would work a nine-hour shift with no lunch breaks—because in Arkansas, if you can eat on the job, they don’t have to give you lunch breaks. I was working hard.”

Taco Bell’s corporate office has since issued a statement on Well’s termination, distancing themselves from the incident and contradicting her claims. They wrote, “Taco Bell team members come from diverse backgrounds and experiences and all are welcome into the Taco Bell family. This former team member worked for a franchise location and the franchisee has informed us that the accusations made are not accurate and that she was instead terminated for violation of their policies and procedures.”

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