Anansa Sims Defends Matt Barnes As Judge Grants Him Restraining Order Against Her Ex-Husband He Spat On: ‘David’s Been Threatening Us For Years’

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Anansa Sims is breaking her silence and speaking out in defense of her fiancé and former NBA star Matt Barnes, after a judge granted him restraining order again Sims’ ex-husband David Patterson Jr, whom Barnes recently spat on.

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Anansa Sims Defends Matt Barnes As Judge Grants Him Restraining Order Against Her Ex-Husband He Spat On: ‘David’s Been Threatening Us For Years’

As we have previously shared, Matt Barnes was recently caught on camera spitting on his fiancée Anansa Sims’ ex-husband, David Patterson Jr, a former NFL player from 2010 to 2017.

Barnes was subsequently placed under police investigation after the spitting incident. Since, Barnes has filed for a restraining order and a judge has granted it.

Following the latest news, Sims has now broken her silence and is coming to the defense of her fiancé, noting that her ex-husband has been “harassing and threatening to kill” them for years. Sims took to Instagram and shared an open letter, plus text messages and a snippet of a court document.

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Sims began, “Matt doesn’t deserve this negative backlash. My Ex Husband David Patterson has been harassing Matt and I for years. The harassment from David escalated after our Christmas engagement.”

Sims went on, “In the month of January alone my Ex has called the police to our home 5 times on false claims of us having a scheduled visit. Each time I’ve shown the different officers our Talking Parent messages confirming that we in fact did not have a visit scheduled. This has been extremely traumatizing for our children and neighbors.

In August my Ex Husband while hysterically crying told our 3 children 8, 9 and 11 that he was never going to see them again. He later that same day text my Mother, Matt and I and said that he was giving up his 50/50 visitation rights.

In fear I rushed over to pick up our kids who he said he would have on his porch waiting. In August David said since we couldn’t agree on our 8 and 9 year olds football team he didn’t want to babysit our children and that Matt and I could have them full time.”

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Sims continued, This is all documented with the court. A week later in August he threatened to come up to their football practice with his Glock handgun to confront me and the head coach of our sons team. I filed for a restraining order the next day.

In November 2022 I was granted a 3 year restraining order against my Ex which the Judge included our children for their safety. David was placed on supervised visits due to the nature of the restraining order. My Ex Husband threatened to run me over with his car and gladly watch all the blood leak out of my body. He said this to me in front of our children at their baseball tryout.”

Sims added, He also threatened to kill Matt with his Glock multiple times in front of our children. Thankfully I was able to record him saying these threats on video, which in addition to his other disturbing behavior aided in the Judge granting me with the restraining order on him.

In addition to threatening to kill Matt and I on numerous occasions, David also made heinous false detrimental accusations to authorities against Matt’s twin sons. When my Ex Husband came after the twins I was furious and I knew he would not stop.

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Sims added, This is the 2nd restraining order I’ve had to get on my Ex Husband. In 2017 the judge granted me with a 3 year restraining order due to domestic violence and David threatening to kill me and himself multiple times.

David has said in text message recently that he was going to end Matt’s podcast and ESPN career, so when I learned about the altercation at Levi stadium I knew David was trying to bait Matt into hitting him.

My Ex Husband had just sent police officers to our home davs before that game on false scheduled visit claims. It’s public knowledge that Matt is a huge 49ers fan and David knew Matt would be at the game. Giving David an opportunity to approach Matt. David started the altercation, which resulted in Matt’s response.

Unfortunately, the cameras only captured Matt’s reaction, not the whole incident.”

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Sims added, Due to David’s history of consistent harassment, after the altercation at the 49ers game Matt filed a restraining order against David and the judge granted it. Matt was reluctant to do this, but I am so grateful that he did what was needed to protect himself and our family.

Due to the unhealthy history between David and I, I’ve been advised to document and record our co-parenting matters. On a phone call that I recorded my Ex Husband told me that he was very jealous of Matt, our relationship and how much Matt does for our 3 children.

He said that financially he couldn’t give our children the lifestyle that Matt provides. He said that he paints me to be a monster, because it’s the only way he feels better about losing me. David also told me on that recorded call, that his fiancé Melisa told him that he needed to go to therapy to help him move on from our divorce.”

In November the same day that the judge granted me with the new 3 year restraining order on David, my Ex had his fiancé Melisa Andino file a sham restraining order on Matt claiming that he was harassing Melisa via group text and that he had sexually I harassed her.

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Sims concluded, To be clear Matt Barnes has NEVER met Melisa in person. The judge denied Melisa’s attempt to get a temporary restraining order on Matt. That same day Melisa and my Ex husband talked to several media and news outlets claiming they filed a restraining order on Matt and telling lies about Matt mistreating our children.

After smearing Matt Barnes’ name all over the media, Melisa showed up in court a few weeks later and VOLUNTARILY told the judge she’d like to drop the petition to get a restraining order on Matt.

At this point I’m exhausted, David has gone above and beyond to hurt Matt and I and it has unfortunately affected our children. It breaks my heart that Matt is being blamed for this altercation.

My Ex has been harassing Matt and his twin sons, two innocent kids who have done nothing wrong. Matt was defending himself at Levi Stadium in a situation that David purposely created to provoke Matt and hurt our family. I pray my Ex Husband gets the help he needs for the sake of our children and for the safety of Matt and I.
God Bless.”

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