Alabama Inmate Dies After Being Abused, Tied Up, And “Sold Out” By Other Inmates Inside Correctional Facility

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A 22-year-old man who was set to be released from the Staton Correctional Facility in early November was hospitalized and later died after being subjected to abuse and torture by other inmates.

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Daniel Williams has been incarcerated at the facility since July, and his family says that he was set to be released earlier this month. Still, they found out he was hospitalized on October 25 and were told that he suffered from a drug overdose. However, the family was horrified when it appeared that Williams did not suffer from a drug overdose but was assaulted. His stepmother, Taylor Bostic, told Alabama Political Reporter that Williams was bound, assaulted, and “sold out” by another inmate around October 22.

“Okay so me and his father just assumed he got a hold of some bad drugs or something. And when we went to see him he’s beaten and bruised up and you can tell where his hands were bound. I mean, you can tell it’s obviously not a drug overdose,” she explained.

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Bostic continued to say that the warden did not tell them that Williams was transported to the hospital until that Wednesday. But another inmate called his family and said that he was found and taken to the hospital on the same day, October 25. Williams was reportedly found in Dorm E1, which was not his dorm, and he was kidnapped for two to three days. The inmates who found him said Williams appeared to be grey.

The hospital nurse and doctor also told the family that there were signs of abuse, and he had visible handprint bruises between his legs. Williams’ father, Terry, said he was only allowed to see his son for 30 minutes per visit, and his cell phone was not permitted during visits.

Despite asking for more information and requesting a rape kit, the hospital told them it was too late to perform an examination initially. Still, it was conducted after the family obtained an attorney. The family was also told if Williams makes it after being taken off of life support, he will need care of his life and will receive palliative care to finish his sentence at the prison.

The family is seeking hold someone accountable due to Williams’ death as he was taken off of life support last week and they want to prevent a similar outcome for another family’s loved one.

26 thoughts on “Alabama Inmate Dies After Being Abused, Tied Up, And “Sold Out” By Other Inmates Inside Correctional Facility”

  1. That’s so sad I’d push it to the limit I’ve heard this kinda thing happening for years in prison and push it till someone is found accountable for this kids death it’s wrong I don’t care what he was there for he didn’t deserve to die like that!!!

    • I agree. Also, how did the guards not know this was going on? Don’t they do a head count several times a day? And where in the facility could this have been going on without them knowing about it? Where are the cameras? It all starts with a warden that cares to prevent this or not.

      • That’s right, the warden and all the despicable animals for men, who participated should be charged and put into solitary for the rest of their lives.
        The courts need to make sure no one who has a sentence of less then 6 months go into a facility with hardened criminals. There is too much of this going on in our prisons. It breaks my heart and saddens me that families have to go through losing a loved one, a young loved one in this way, and then for the warden and prison to lie about how is died is even more devastating.
        Do something about this prison , warden and guards who obviously looked the other way.

    • I agree. This facility should be closed down & investigated to the fullest extent. How was this kid held for 3 fricken days by these monsters? I thought that deputies did cell checks multiple times a day? I think everyone on duty needs to be fired & then thrown in prison themselves & please let their names be released to the public & then let those inmates know they were cops before they toss them in & throw away the key.

      May God show them as much mercy as they did him. This world is full of evil monsters. God help us all. My prayers to this boys family, I am so sorry this happened & I am so sorry for your loss.

    • yes for sure. I know a friend of mine whose son went to prison at a very young age in Michigan and the same thing happened to him. Thankfully, he survived but he’ll never be the same person again. it’s disgusting to think prison guards don’t do their jobs like they should. this is deplorable.

  2. Our hearts, prayers & thoughts are with the family, friends for the tragic loss of their special loved one. Hope & pray the suspects are held accountable for the kidnapping, criminal abuse, heinous torture, causing the death of another human being. How could this have happened in a prison? What about a daily roll call? Did the other inmates know & not report him missing? Who committed this awful & tragic crime?

  3. I have been to prison in Alabama for a short time recently and I can tell you that the conditions there are deplorable as far as inmate on inmate violence. Most never makes it to the news but there are rapes and murders frequently.

  4. yes too the family y’all got them dead too rights don’t fold on it keep pushing it y’all got em where y’all need em at because I did 5 years in federal prison an they have two too three count a day an the last one is at an before lock down an they count an know who’s in what cell an where for him bein missing for two days too three then it’s the officer fault because there the ones that didn’t do there job or report an inmate isnt there that’s a lock down procedure so make sure you let them know that it’s the officer’s fault for not reporting that he was missing for 2 days and the warden inmates and all you got them where y’all want them just find it and get a good lawyer I wish you all the best and sorry in regards for your son’s lost an i pray for yalls family justice GOD BLESS

  5. He’ll yea sue the jail. They most definitely know what happend they count every day 3-4 times shit probly more to know he wasent in his cell is bs they know the inmate who ever let that shit go down u less he was there for hurting a kid. That’s the only way they would do this to him unless he did something I. There dident stand up for himself or let him self get abused.. but ussally inmates don’t do shit like this unless he was there for hurting a child or something like that?..but if not this is wrong.. dose anyone know y was he there In jail for 6 months ?

    • real Talk Shane I agree with you I pray for the family get a dam good lawyer and get Justice ⚖,,Peace n love too you GodBless

    • They don’t need to have a reason yes hurting a child is a reason to be beaten.Many inmates abuse others for no reason at all could be food,money,canteen,looking at someone wrong,gangs,mental health numerous things can start this!

    • Somebody please do something.
      Sue the prison, the warden, and the state who owns the prison,
      And prosecute all that were involved , Warden, guards, prison inmates,
      God sees all and they will all pay in the end, but they also need to get prosecuted now!!

  6. every lower than pos soul that participated and the ones that allowed, those officers KNEW what was going on, HELL’S ETERNAL horrors await such.

  7. They are some of the problems in jail how do you think drugs are brought in from the outside is where it’s coming from!Personel of the jail is the biggest problem there’s no doubt they covered this up from his family it happens in every jail and prison!The Wardens allows to happen time after time there’s so much corruption that goes on the inside money it’s the root of all evil!Were I live every prison is being on lockdown every prison in the state are being searched they are tearing up the places!Begining with facilities that are known for higher criminal behavior and drug trafficking!The Big Boys need to be informed of the cruel acts that this young man had to endure this so many monsters abused him it’s horrific death!Hope they have an excellent lawyer to expose everyone that took part in this unspeakable assaults on him,it’s heartbreaking!This poor family can’t imagine what they are going through how can they be such animals!They all need to be prosecuted throw them all to the wolves see how that works!Fire the Warden to begin with,and everyone who had anything to do with this evil treatment!All prisons in every state need to be searched,new policies,cameras,programs,and military guards it takes just one look!I will be notifing the authorities on this matter hopefully a press conference has been done or will be scheduled to admit all wrongdoings to this young man!Hello Governor of Alabama,US Congressmans and Senators of Alabama any idea what is happening in the jails and prisons!

  8. Death penalty for all involved……to torture this young man for days shows they can’t be rehabilitated, and death should be given quickly. No way the guards or others in the E dorm didn’t know what was going on. Alabama needs to be wiped off the face of the earth with their dirty history, past and present. To house people dormitory style is aiding predators to get by with evil acts against others. Evils that men do will come back to haunt them and the Warden and the staff needs to go down!! Publicly.


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