Nurse Sues Former Co-workers Over Continuous Jokes About Her Body Being “Fake”

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A New York nursing assistant filed a lawsuit against her former coworkers because they continued to taunt and make jokes about her body for months.

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In 2019, Milouse Laguerre worked at the Andrus on Hudson nursing home in Westchester County, where her coworkers reportedly taunted her about her body and said she had butt implants done. Despite telling them that she was all-natural, her co-workers continued to harass her. According to the Daily Beast, the lawsuit states Laguerre had to keep telling them that nothing was fake about her body, and they allegedly became “enraged” when she didn’t tell them about the non-existent doctor who did her implants.

“Although the plaintiff told them that she has been in the US since 2010 and had not gone on any trip to do butt implants nor knew any doctor who did one. They were all unhappy with her for not disclosing to them the non-existent doctor/s who did the plaintiff’s butt implant, and the work environment was poisoned that day and continued to be poisoned by the plaintiff’s refusal to provide them with the referral for the doctor who allegedly did her surgeries,” the lawsuit states.

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The other CNA, who was reportedly described as someone with “large, flat buttocks,” looked at Laguerre’s body and asked, “So you mean all that is… you?… God loves you all that much to give you these?” to which she responded, “God loves me all that much.”

However, Laguerre’s co-workers continued to question and taunt her about her body to the point where she just let them believe what they wanted about her figure. She said the work environment became toxic, and her coworkers called her nicknames.

Although she complained to the management, they allegedly didn’t do anything to resolve the issue, and she was suspended over the complaints.

“Plaintiff complained to management at least three times, and the conditions worsened as after her complaints, each time she was passing any of them, they would “throw up. The plaintiff could not get any help, and nothing she did mattered, and she was suspended on trumped-up charges, when she came back from suspension, the harassment and retaliation did not stop, and when she continued to complain, management decided that ending her employment was a better business decision than having to discipline its long-term employees and properly train them for subjecting plaintiff to hostile work environment and discrimination and terminated her employment on or about April 10, 2020.”

Laguerre is seeking compensatory and general damages for emotional, mental, and physical distress, loss of wages, and lost opportunities to earn income in addition to punitive damages.

2 thoughts on “Nurse Sues Former Co-workers Over Continuous Jokes About Her Body Being “Fake””

  1. one needs a license to earn the title of nurse. this person was not a nurse but an assistant to a nurse. please use the correct terminology.

    • Then that means that low level harasser could easily have been suspended or fired. Funny how they think God’s favor was how she got it but pretend to throw up when viewing it. F a pagan


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