Jamie Lee Curtis Says If Fentanyl Were Easily Available When She Was Addicted To Drugs, She’d Be Dead

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In a recent interview on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, actress Jamie Lee Curtis opened up about her past struggles with addiction to opiates. She revealed that if fentanyl had been as easily accessible during her addiction as it is now, she believes she would not have survived. Curtis described her addiction as “almost invisible” to others, as she never made terrible decisions or faced legal consequences due to her addiction. However, she considers herself lucky compared to women whose lives have been ruined by drug addiction.

Curtis also shared the tragic story of her brother’s death from an overdose, highlighting the devastating impact of substance abuse on families. Despite these challenges, Curtis has been sober for nearly two decades and has been open about her journey to sobriety. “I was an opiate addict, and I liked to get opiate buzz,” she said. “And if fentanyl was available, as easily available, as it is today on the street, I’d be dead.”

“My worst day was almost invisible to anyone else,” she shared. “I never was arrested. I didn’t make terrible decisions high or under the influence that then for the rest of my life I regret.” During the interview, Curtis emphasized the importance of sobriety in her life. She credited her recovery for allowing her to see the dangers of addiction and make better decisions. Having been sober for 24 years, she expressed gratitude for her incredible life and the opportunity to grow old, further sharing that her addiction started after she underwent plastic surgery and became dependent on Vicodin.

The pressure to conform to Hollywood’s culture of perfection further fueled Curtis’ drug abuse. She succumbed to the temptation of plastic surgery, hoping to achieve the idealized image prevalent in the industry. However, this decision only worsened her situation as it led to a five-year addiction to opioids. Realizing that her addiction was negatively affecting her ability to be a parent, she made the life-changing decision to quit.

Curtis considers herself lucky that her addiction did not lead to career ruin, divorce, or serious health issues. She acknowledges the importance of her sobriety and believes that it will be the most significant aspect of her life when looking back. Despite facing numerous challenges, she has managed to overcome her addiction and maintain sobriety for nearly 20 years.

In an interview with Variety, Curtis revealed that she used drugs with her father, actor Tony Curtis. This revelation sheds light on how addiction ran in her family and highlights the hardships she faced growing up. She kept her 10-year painkiller problem hidden from everyone, including her husband. It wasn’t until a friend witnessed her washing down Vicodin with wine that she finally realized she needed help. This wake-up call prompted Curtis to seek the necessary support and embark on her journey to recovery.

Twenty years later, Curtis remains committed to her sobriety and continues to attend recovery meetings. Her story serves as an inspiration to others struggling with addiction, showing that it is possible to overcome even the most challenging circumstances. She emphasizes the importance of seeking help and surrounding oneself with a supportive network during the recovery process.

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