Florida Mom, 18, Used Fake Hitman Website To Try And Kill Her 3-Year-Old — Allegedly Paid $3,000 For The Murder!

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#Socialites, get into this wild story. We’ve all come across a few headlines about people paying to hire a hitman but one woman from Florida tried to make this wild request to take her own toddler out!

The young mother was taken into police custody on Tuesday after trying to use a parody service to rent a hitman to kill her 3-year-old baby boy. According to the New York Post, Jazmin Paez, 18, allegedly solicited an assassin through the fake website RentAHitman.com so someone could carry out the crime before Thursday.
Clearly, she was serious and desperate to make this happen as the Miami-Dade mom allegedly pictures of her little boy and the exact location he was going to be, court documents obtained by NBC Miami show.

Thankfully, it was the investigators behind the fake page who posed as for-hire killer spoke with Paez to go over her plan. During the conversation, she allegedly agreed to drop over $3,000 for her son’s murder. Although she was expected for this to happen, investigators gathered her information and matched her IP address to the home of Paez. After speaking with the child’s grandmother and getting confirmation that Paez was trying to kill her own child, authorities immediately arrested her.

As a result of her failed attempt, she was charged with first-degree solicitation of murder as well as third-degree using a communications device for unlawful use, according to the news site citing court records.

As many are aware, hiring someone to commit murder is an abhorrent and illegal act that carries severe consequences. The consequences for attempting to hire someone to kill another person are both legal and moral in nature. From a legal standpoint, attempting to hire a hitman or soliciting murder is a serious criminal offense in most jurisdictions. The exact penalties vary depending on the jurisdiction, but they typically involve lengthy prison sentences, hefty fines, and sometimes even life imprisonment or the death penalty in extreme cases.

In addition to that, trying to orchestrate such an act can have devastating effects on one’s reputation, relationships, and overall quality of life. It can lead to ostracization from society, loss of trust from family and friends, and irreparable damage to one’s personal and professional reputation. In all, it’s just bat s—t crazy.

More On Who’s Behind The Fake Kill-For-Hire Page

A man names Robert Innes is said to be the person who operate the fake page and alert investigators of her request. He reportedly receives hundreds of hitman solicitations per day but flagged Paez’s submission since it was too specific and urgent.

“The ability to research names and addresses and verify the intended target lived in a particular address. That to me is a red flag. If that information is corroborated, to me that is something that needs to be looked at and that’s why I referred it,” he told NBC Miami. The New York post notes that the RentAHitman website has led to the arrest of dozens of people.

What Happened To Paez’s Kid

Investigators said that her son is in the safe custody of family.


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