Former Store Employee Sues Company After Being Fired For ‘Putting Hands’ On An Armed Thief Stealing Cigarettes

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In a surprising turn of events, a long-time Circle K employee, Mary Ann Moreno, has filed a lawsuit against the company after being fired for an incident involving a shoplifter who stole a pack of cigarettes. Mary Ann, who had worked at the Colorado Circle K store for an impressive 18 years, was terminated after briefly touching the armed thief in an attempt to prevent him from making off with the stolen goods.

The incident was captured on surveillance footage, which showed the thief asking for a free pack of cigarettes, which Mary Ann declined. However, he proceeded to grab a pack from behind the counter, prompting Mary Ann to grab his arm before ultimately backing off.

Although the thief was later arrested, Mary Ann found herself facing an unexpected consequence: losing her job. Her attorney argues that she acted in self-defense, and even a witness who was present during the incident believes that Circle K made the wrong decision in firing her. Despite the mounting support for Mary Ann, Circle K has chosen to remain tight-lipped about the ongoing litigation.

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This lawsuit has shed light on the issue of employee safety and the complexities surrounding shoplifting incidents. Mary Ann’s attorney contends that companies should recognize and appreciate the dangers faced by their employees and take into account the nuanced situations they may find themselves in.

The surveillance video clearly shows that Mary Ann was merely trying to defend herself in a highly stressful situation when she briefly grabbed the thief’s arm. It is important to consider the immense pressure that employees like Mary Ann face when confronted with potentially dangerous individuals. Rather than facing termination, they should be commended for their courage and quick thinking.

What makes this case particularly disheartening is Mary Ann’s dedicated service to Circle K over the span of 18 years. She had gone above and beyond her duties as a clerk, demonstrating her commitment and loyalty to the company. It is no wonder that she feels upset and betrayed by her termination, as she believed her years of hard work and dedication would have earned her more support from her employer. Unfortunately, Circle K has chosen not to comment on the ongoing lawsuit, leaving Mary Ann and her attorney to fight for justice on their own.

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This lawsuit serves as a reminder that companies should prioritize the safety and well-being of their employees, especially when they find themselves in potentially dangerous situations. It is crucial for employers to carefully evaluate the circumstances surrounding incidents like this and consider the actions taken by their employees.

In the case of Mary Ann Moreno, it is clear that she acted out of self-defense and should not have been penalized for her actions. Hopefully, this lawsuit will lead to a reevaluation of Circle K’s policies regarding shoplifting incidents and provide justice for Mary Ann.

Image via FOX31

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