Tyson Beckford Speaks On Past Incident When Kim Kardashian Implied He Was Gay

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Tyson Beckford Speaks On Past Incident When Kim Kardashian Implied He Was Gay

Whew! Socialites Tyson Beckford sat down with VladTV and had to get some things off his chest about reality television star Kim Kardashian! 

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Back in 2018, Beckford made a blunt comment on a photo of the Kardashian and wrote, “Sorry I don’t care for it personally. She is not real. Doctor f*** up on her right hip.” 

Now you know Kim had to respond by saying, “sis we all know why you don’t care for it,” implying Beckford is a closeted homosexual.

“Sometimes I’ll get a couple suckers on Instagram who will try to say like, ‘Oh, yeah. You gay,’” he shared. “Then I’m like ‘Where is this coming from?’ You heard it from that dumba**? And then you heard it from that stupid b**** Wendy Williams?”

“Man, f*** all of them! I ain’t never been gay, nor do I have a problem with gay people. It’s just like, don’t try to turn a situation into something because I got the best of you.”

Earlier this year Beckford spoke about an incident where Kanye West someone from his crew to confront him in the bathroom.

“I was standing in the middle of Oprah Winfrey and Hillary Clinton,” Beckford recalled. “He [Kanye] was on the other side of the table, and when I tried to make eye contact with him, he wouldn’t look at me.”

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Once the man walked up on him Beckford said, “I suggest you get out of this bathroom before I wipe you all over the wall. I’m like, ‘You did not want no smoke.’ I had on my tuxedo. I would have undone my tie and got into it if you wanted to, but you didn’t. I think you didn’t realize how big I was.”

#Socialites do you think Tyson Beckford is telling the truth about all this?

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