Woman Sets Her Husband On Fire After Believing He Poisoned Her Chicken Wings

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A Wisconsin woman has confessed to setting her husband on fire after she accused him of poisoning her chicken wings.

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Milwaukee resident Tuhonsty Marie Smith,29, told police that she set her husband’s hair on fire as he slept after she suspected that he poisoned her chicken wings on June 2nd. According to WDJT, Smith filled up a cup with lighter fluid and poured it over her sleepings husband’s head, and used a lighter to start it up the following day around 4 a.m. Emergency medics said the man suffered from burns on his chest, head, hands, neck, and face.

While speaking with police, the victim said Smith had been acting very strange within the past three to four months. Before the arson attempt, the couple had an argument because he said he was planning to end their marriage and move out.

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Smith was arrested and charged with arson, recklessly endangering safety along with causing mayhem. Her court appearance was scheduled for Wednesday.

SOURCE: New York Post 

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