California School District Apologizes For Offering ‘Support Circle For White Students’ After Chauvin Verdict

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California School District Apologizes For Offering ‘Support Circle For White Students’ After Chauvin Verdict

After facing much backlash for its questionable actions, a California school district apologizes for offering a “support circle for white students” after the Derek Chauvin trial and guilty verdict. At the end of Chauvin’s case for murdering George Floyd, Piedmont Unified School District assistant Cheryl Wozniak issued a message inviting white students to “discuss how the trial, verdict, and experiences related to the George Floyd murder are impacting you.”

Apparently, Wozniak believed it’d be great to have two counselors available for the “white students to process [and] share…to one another.” Meanwhile, the district was also offering other, segregated support groups for Black and BIPOC students. Subsequently, Wozniak and the district went under major scrutiny and she later admitted the obvious, which is that her offer resulted in “students of color feeling hurt and disrespected by district administration.”

RELATED: School Offers “White Student Support Circle’ Amid Derek Chauvin Verdict

Attempting to diffuse the situation, Superintendent Randall Booker stated, “A poor choice of words in the subject line of the invitation to white students led to the perception that white students needed the same kind of ‘support’ as our BIPOC students. Students of all racial backgrounds rightfully pushed back on that idea. We agree, and we want to affirm in the strongest terms that our commitment is to give all students a place to express their feelings and to learn how to engage in important issues.”

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