Michael Jackson Estate Fights To Block ‘Finding Neverland’ Sequel

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Michael Jackson Estate Fights To Block ‘Finding Neverland’ Sequel

Michael Jackson‘s estate is currently fighting to block Director Dan Reed from filming and producing a sequel to the documentary, “Leaving Neverland.”

According to Deadline, Reed is in the midst of a legal battle with Jackson’s companies as he attempts to shoot his sequel to his damning HBO documentary. Reed has been filming in the Los Angeles Superior Court as Wade Robson and James Safechuck pursue separate suits against MJJ Productions and MJJ Ventures. As we reported, Safechuck just got his thrown out.

Jackson’s companies say that Reed is not a “legitimate journalist,” and want to ban him from filming inside the courtroom, as well as handing over any other material he has.

RELATED: Michael Jackson Accuser James Safechuck’s Revived Abuse Lawsuit Thrown Out

“The follow-up documentary for which I am currently filming in these cases is about current events taking place partly in public view and will be an unfolding narrative with multiple points of view,” Reed said.

He also clsimed to have invited Howard Weitzman, the lawyer for MJJ Productions and MJJ Ventures, to appear in the new documentary, but he denied.

“I have resolved that neither myself or anyone in my offices will participate in the documentary we all discussed for several reasons. Among them is the fact that you are already clearly on the record saying that you believe both accusers’ stories without hesitation,” Weitzman said in a response to Reed’s motion.

A hearing on Reed’s motion to quash the subpoenas will be on April 9. Robson will go to trial on June 14, 2021.

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