6-Year-Old Girl Chokes On Face Mask Cooked Inside McDonald’s Chicken Nuggets

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6-Year-Old Girl Chokes On Face Mask Cooked Inside McDonald’s Chicken Nuggets

A 6-year-old girl in Aldershot, a town in Hampshire, England, choked on a surgical face mask cooked inside of a batch of McDonald’s Chicken Nuggets.

After taking three of her four children to a local branch, the 6-yea-old’s mother, Laura Arber, 32, claims she made the discovery in at least two of the 20 nuggets she bought for her children. Arber says she became aware after her daughter, Maddie, began choking.

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She says, “My little daughter just started choking and I put my fingers down her throat to loop it out there was just blue with the sick. I thought what on earth is this?! I didn’t even think it could be the chicken nugget but looked over at the box and all you could see was this blue coming out of another chicken nugget in the box of 20. And the mask is cooked into it, like a part of the mixture and it’s clearly a mask. You can see the seam and how solid it is in there.”

Arber says she went back to the branch and spoke with the branch manager, who told her the nuggets weren’t cooked on site, and “failed to apologize and stop serving nuggets.” She says, “I just couldn’t believe the way the management were handling it.” However, McDonald’s corporate has reportedly since apologized for the incident.

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