Police In Asia Make Historic Drug Bust After Seizing Nearly 200M Meth Tablets

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Police In Asia Make Historic Drug Bust After Seizing Nearly 200M Meth Tablets

In Asia, Myanmar police have made a historic drug bust after seizing nearly 200 million meth tablets. Authorities say this is Asia’s biggest drugs bust in decades. Included in the bust were “unprecedented” quantities of methylfentanyl, a dangerously potent synthetic opioid.”

Officials say the seizures ended a three-month operation centered around Lwe Kham village in Kutkhai Township, and included thirty-three arrests in connection with the sting. Jeremy Douglas, the regional coordinator for the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC), claimed the scale of contraband confiscated was “truly off-the-charts.”

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Per their report, Myanmar police seized nearly 200 million methamphetamine tablets, more than 500 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine, and 35.5 metric tons and 163,000 thousand liters of precursor chemicals used to manufacture illicit drugs. Of those thousands of liters, they confiscated nearly 3,750 liters (990 gallons) of liquid methylfentanyl.

It’s reported that although the region has been spared an opioid crisis like that in the United States, experts have warned that the possibility of drug producers in Asia selling at home isn’t far away. Douglas added, “This may be the moment we have feared — synthetic opioids are in the region in a big way.”

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