Two Chinese Doctors Suffering From COVID-19 Wake Up With Darkened Skin

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Two Chinese Doctors Suffering From COVID-19 Wake Up With Darkened Skin

Two Wuhan doctors who were critically ill with coronavirus woke up to find that their skin had turned dark after the virus damaged their liver.

According to The Daily Mail, Dr. Yi Fan and Dr. Hu Weifeng, both 42, were infected with the coronavirus while treating patients at a hospital in the epicenter city of Wuhan. They were officially diagnosed with COVID-19 on Jan. 18 and became very ill over time. The two were hooked up to an ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) a life support machine for weeks. Fortunately, they eventually gained consciousness but they noticed that their skin turned very dark after being placed on life support.

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Apparently, the two men’s skin color change was attributed to a hormonal imbalance after their livers were damaged by the virus, according to The Daily Mail citing Chinese media. Dr. Hu’s physician, Dr. Li Shusheng said their normal color is expected to return when their liver functions improve.

As the news site notes, ECMO is a drastic life-support procedure which replaces the function of the heart and lungs by pumping oxygen into the blood outside the body.

Dr. Yi spoke with CCTV from his hospital bed and said, “When I first gained consciousness, especially after I got to know about my condition, I felt scared. I had nightmares often,” Meanwhile, Hu, a urologist, is still very weak after undergoing ECMO therapy from Feb. 7 to March 22, according to his physician, Dr. Li.

As the New York Post notes, both men are receiving mental health support as a result of their traumatic experiences.

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