Amazon Driver Caught Urinating In Customer’s Driveway

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Amazon Driver Caught Urinating In Customer’s Driveway

While one Amazon driver — who’s now fired — recently and deliberately smeared his saliva on a customer’s package, elsewhere another driver was caught urinating in a homeowner’s driveway.

In Maryland, a customer’s Ring camera caught the delivery man dropping off a package, scanning it into the system, then walking back to his vehicle — only to realize that he’d locked himself out.

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After calling for help, his bladder decided it couldn’t hold anymore urine for much longer, prompting the driver to love around, ensuring the coast was clear, and proceeding to do the deed.

It’s stated that the homeowner hasn’t yet contacted Amazon about the driver using their driveway and sidewalk as a toilet.

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Furthermore, in the case of the driver who purposefully spat on a customer’s package, he has since been let go.

In addition, the company confirmed that a neighbor reached out on behalf of the customer, which prompted the company to then notify “the right teams internally” to “work with the customer directly on matters related to their package delivery.”

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