59 Democrats Call For Cuomo’s Resignation After Groping Allegation Is Reported To Police

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59 Democrats Call For Cuomo’s Resignation After Groping Allegation Is Reported To Police

After a sixth victim came forward accusing New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo of groping her, she’s now reported the incident to police and 59 Democrats are calling for Cuomo’s resignation.

As we reported on Tuesday (Mar. 9), a sixth woman, an unnamed aide, claimed she was summonsed to the Executive Mansion late last year to help Cuomo with a phone issue. It was there where he reportedly touched her inappropriately. Directly following the incident, the aide hadn’t made a police report, but as of this week has now done so. Subsequent to the report, 59 Democratic state lawmakers have joined forces and called for Cuomo to resign — something he’s already said he has no intentions of doing.

RELATED: New York Democrats Take Action To Have Gov. Cuomo Resign

On Thursday (Mar. 11), Cuomo’s acting counsel Beth Garvey released a statement, “In this case the person is represented by counsel and when counsel confirmed the client did not want to make a report, the state notified the police department and gave them the attorney’s information.” #Socialites, thoughts?

RELATED Gov. Cuomo Accused Of Sexual Harassment By A Sixth Victim

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