5.1 Magnitude Earthquake Rattles North Carolina, Officials Expect More

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5.1 Magnitude Earthquake Rattles North Carolina, Officials Expect More

After a 5.1 magnitude earthquake rattled upstate North Carolina early Sunday morning — becoming one of the largest quakes ever reported in the state since 1926’s 5.2 magnitude — officials warn residents to expect more quakes in the next coming week.

Additionally, the United States Geological Survey’s aftershock forecast warned that aftershocks would continue to occur near the epicenter, in Sparta, NC. Nearby states of South Carolina and even Georgia reported trembles. USGS officials also say that there is a likely chance for smaller earthquakes to occur over the next week, and that this morning’s was the first of a potential sequence.

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At the time of writing this article, there were no immediate or known reports of injuries, but damage was discovered in the town of about 1,800 people. Sparta Mayor Wes Brinegar confirmed damage to his own home. Reacting, he stated, “It felt like a big locomotive going by and a big wave coming underneath the bed. I’ve lived here my whole life and have never felt anything like that.”

Officials remind residents that earthquakes become destructive between 4.0-5.0 magnitude, and that a 5.3 is considered a moderate quake.

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