475 Coronavirus Deaths Reported In Italy In One Day

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Italy’s death toll continues to rise at a record rate after 475 coronavirus-related deaths have been confirmed in one day.

According to the BBC, Italy currently has 35,713 confirmed cases although 4,000 people have recovered from the virus. The region of Lombardy had a record of 319 deaths in one day despite the country being on lockdown for almost three weeks. WHO Chief Dr.Tedros Ghebreyesus said in a statement that countries must continue to practice isolation and social distancing in order to combat outbreaks and suppress them:

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“But to suppress and control epidemics, countries must isolate, test, treat and trace,

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The contributing cause of the increased death rate is due to Italy having the highest population of the elderly in the world. However, the BBC noted in their report that the first coronavirus vaccine trial started in Seattle, Washington today:

“The first vaccine trial has begun, just 60 days after the genetic sequence of the was shared. This is an incredible achievement. We commend the researchers around the world who have come together to systemically evaluate experimental therapeutics”-@DrTedros

Last week, President Trump banned all travel to and from Europe in order to contain the coronavirus and prevent more Americans from being infected.

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