171 Cops Call Out Sick In ‘Blue Flu’ Protests Over Cops Charged For Rayshard Brooks Death

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171 Cops Call Out Sick In ‘Blue Flu’ Protests Over Cops Charged For Rayshard Brooks Death

It looks like the tables have turned as officers are now protesting after charges were brought against the cops who killed Rayshard Brooks.

Apparently, since Fulton County district attorneys have decided to charge the officers involved in the fatal shooting of Rayshard Brooks, hundreds of cops have called out sick in what has been dubbed as the “Blue Flu” protests.

RELATED: Rayshard Brooks’ Wife Wants Officers Involved In Fatal Shooting To Go To Jail

“The city’s response, I recall early on, seems like they downplayed those numbers. The public should know that’s a significant amount of police officers who did not come to work during that time period,” former Atlanta police Detective Vince Velasquez told WSBTV

According to attendance sheets the Atlanta Police Department had at least 171 officers call in sick from Wednesday to Saturday.

“That’s something I’ve never seen in my career,” Velasquez added.

On Friday, Zone 5 in Atlanta barely had any police officer’s patrolling after 90 called out ‘sick.’

“Some officers have flatly told me that they’re afraid to go to work and answer a call and commit to a process and feel like they’re doing the right thing, feel like they’re doing their jobs, and then face not just disciplinary action, but prosecution,” Velasquez said. “This is a unique case because some of the charges that were brought up with these officers were policy violations that were turned into oath-of-office crimes that were alleged by the DA, and some of these things are completely foreign to us.”

However, despite this, Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms and interim police chief Rodney Bryant promised the public that serious 911 calls would still be answered.

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